Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Miss Piggy talks to GG

©2012 Disney 

When we heard The Muppets movie was set to be released on DVD this Monday, we had to call in a favour. So we called upon Miss Piggy to tell us a little more about the film, the backstage secrets and being a downright DIVA.

Miss Piggy, what’s the most glamorous part of being a movie star?                              

The red carpet. That’s when everything comes together! You’ve finished making the movie and now there you are, wearing a designer frock, smiling, waving, posing for the paparazzi….and just generally being adored by the world. It’s the most glamorous part of every star’s life. We only wish we could figure out how to do the red carpet without having to go through all the trouble of making movies.

 How does it feel seeing yourself on the big screen again?
It was fabulous!  For too long, I had deprived my fans…and myself…of that pleasure. And then to see Moi up there on the silver screen, well it was a moment of joy for all of us…almost as enjoyable as the way you’ll feel when you bring Moi (and “The Muppets”) home on Blu-ray and DVD.  See what I did there? That’s celebrity plugging at it’s best.
©2012 Disney 

Do you have any backstage diva demands, Miss Piggy?
As a matter of fact, I do.  I can’t give you the complete list which takes up a 400 page single spaced legal document, but a few of my demands include: chocolate, mirrors on all walls, pictures of Kermit, more chocolate, a selection of designer shoes, jewelry and assorted bling, still more chocolate, free Wi-Fi and a GPS that enables me to track Kermie when he’s not at my side.  Oh, and did I mention I like chocolate?

Do you have any behind the scenes secrets you can tell us about?
On our movie “The Muppets” we all got along fabulously.  Everyone knew that the one rule of working with Moi is this:  Never ever get between Moi and the camera.   (The exception is, of course, Kermit, who can get between me and the camera as long as he’s kissing me.) As for our stars: I loved working with Jason Segel. Anyone who writes a movie that I’m in obviously has enormous talent and taste.  And as for Amy Adams: well, she and I thought we might argue, but when we realised that we are both incredible talents whom Hollywood has yet to give an Oscar, we got along like BFFs.   (Oh sure, she has four Oscar nominations and I’ve got, let me see…..six, carry the four, plus nine….None.  But that’s a mere technicality.)

We heard you worked for Vogue, Paris in the film. How was that experience?
I adored portraying the role of a Fashion Editor with Paris Vogue. The best part was the preparation. I had to spend months in Paris, researching haute couture by shopping for designer dresses, shoes, accessories, etcetera…and then charging the whole thing back to the production! What’s not to love!
As for actually being a Fashion Editor, it’s the greatest job in the world: you do lunch and tell your staff to work!  It’s just like being a diva, only you get a magazine to play with, too.

Do you have any tips for entering the world of fashion journalism?
You must know what you are writing about, so if you are going to do fashion journalism make sure you have someone else to pay for all the fashion you’ll need to be the best journalist you can be.   Other than that, fashion journalism is like any other field: If you look fabulous then you are fabulous.

 Do you think journalism is something you’ll pursue in the future?
No. It was just a part in a picture. Being a diva is my full-time job.  When it comes to journalists, I prefer to have them pursue Moi.

 What is it that you love about fashion?
Duh! The clothes….okay, and the shoes….and the jewelry….and the accessories.  I’ll get back to you if I think of anything else.

What is your fashion must-have?
Shoes, n’est ce-pas?    Jimmy Choos, Christian Louboutin, Manolo Blahnik.   With the right shoes…and a reasonably outrageous budget…anyone can look good!

Outside of the movie world, you have your own make-up range. Was this fun to create?
Yes, I adore helping to create fashion.  That is part of my new career as a muse. Being a muse is really a wonderful career. You just go around being yourself and other people get inspired by you and make stuff!    Why didn’t I think of this sooner!?

Miss Piggy, your hair is always so well groomed. Our readers want to know your top hair styling tip.
I have a world class stylist, Miss Jane of Pomona, who styles all of my hair. And I never know what I’m going to look like until I put it on. 
As for product, I use only the best high-end conditioner, treatments, shampoos and whatever else they have in the hotel bathroom.

Miss Piggy what was it like working alongside your counterpart, Miss Poogy?
I know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and it was necessary for me to flatten him to make him go away.  I wish the actor who portrayed Miss Poogy a very successful career, as long as he doesn’t get anywhere near me ever again.
Other than that, we got along very well.

What was your favourite scene to shoot in the movie?
The ones with Kermie, most especially the scene in Paris with us walking arm in arm down the street. It was so romantic! We spent three weeks shooting that scene. Sure, it was only a minute long, but if you think I’m leaving Paris quick, so we can to go back to some damp out-of-the-way soundstage, you got another think coming. 

The Muppets is out on Blu-ray and DVD on 11 June 

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The true story behind Big Miracle

Cindy Lowry
Cindy Lowry, who has dedicated a lifetime of work to protecting the environment, spoke to Go Girl about the experience having her work made into a blockbuster film. Big Miracle, out now on DVD, is based on three weeks in which Cindy helped successfully rescue grey whales in Alaska after they became trapped in the ice. Cindy was asked by filmmakers, to help tell the story of events leading up to the Big Miracle and here she shares her experiences with us!  

How are marine animals at risk in the world today?
Pollution and habitat loss have a huge effect on the health of marine animals. Things like building on the nearby land, too much noise, throwing plastic in the ocean, and changing climates can cause most of those problems.  

Why do you think it is important to protect against this?
I think it is our responsibility to protect marine animals and the oceans but in the long run, these things can affect humans too. As shown in Big Miracle, humans can have such a strong bond with marine mammals and being near water can also have a calming effect on people. 
Cindy was played by an actress named Drew Barrymore, in the film

What is it like to work face-to-face with an endangered species?
I’ve worked with wolves, bears, coyotes, whales, sea otters and I've had some amazing experiences with them. Whales are such amazing creatures and they just touch my heart. They went through so much to survive the times that are shown in Big Miracle and it still brings tears to my eyes when I think of them.

Do you have any encounters you remember well?
I’ll tell you a story that’s featured in Big Miracle. It was my last night on the ice with the gray whales before they were finally freed.  I think the whales could start to smell open water, and they were getting very excited. I was alone so it was really quiet. I was kneeling down on the ice, saying goodbye to them when one of them came up and rested its head on the ice and blew. I was totally frosted with whale breath! I told them they were going home soon and at that moment I had the most amazing eye contact with that whale. I just know they knew that they would be free soon. It was a really incredible experience. 
Cindy spent lots of time with Drew, who played Cindy in the film.

What input did you have into how Big Miracle turned out?
I was very involved on all aspects whether it was clothing of the time, scenes of my office, or how I felt at the time during the event. I spent many weeks with the actress who played me, so she was very in tune with me.

What do you think of the movie?
I'm very happy with how the movie turned out. It was like watching myself many years ago. Some of my old clothing and jewelry from that time period was used which was also fun. 

How do you think the film will help to increase awareness?

The rescue event itself was a wonderful story about how people can work together to accomplish great things. I hope the movie will inspire people to do the same. I really do believe that one person can make a difference and encourage others to do great things.

How can we help?

I have learned that the type of creature you're most passionate about, will determine how you can protect them. There are many wonderful environmental organizations you can become involved with and websites to determine who works with the issues that you care most about. There are often great opportunities to volunteer your help when you’re old enough, too!