Friday, 29 July 2011
We're getting closer...
'I have to say it was amazing!' Louis shared.
We are soooo excited!
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Oritse makes us go awwwww!

That Oritse, he's sweeter than a pint of Ben & Jerry's! He's had a real tough time growing up - his mum suffers from MS, which is a disease which affects your ability to move properly and so he had to look after her.
And now JLS is soooo popular, he's giving back to others in the same boat by auctioning off loads of his stuff.
'I've been meeting carers involved with the MS Society backstage at our shows. It's been emotional meeting young people who are going through exactly what I was but it keeps me grounded,' he 'fessed.
Awwwww! Hugs for Oritse!
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Snuggly Sel!
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Bella's got great taste!

Hey Bella Thorne! We love your style, we love you show, and now we love your taste in music as well! Turns out Bels is a huuuuge Selena Gomez fan! And she got to go to a Selena concert!
'I was so lucky and happy to see Selena Gomez perform! She was perfect!' Bella spilled.
Don't mind us... we're just quietly turning green with envy in the corner!
PS Check out Selena's surprise celeb guest only on GGTV!
Monday, 25 July 2011
Happy birthday Selly!
Friday, 22 July 2011
One Direction single news!
Lovely Liam told the mag that, "I think we've found the perfect song, so hopefully it all goes well and everybody loves it." Come on lads, enough with telling us what it's like, we want to actually hear it!
Jessie Yay!
Jessie's said, "I cannot wait to rock the stage - I have always wanted to perform at the MOBO Awards and it's an honour to be asked. Good times."
We're sooo pleased that Jessie's had some good news. After breaking her leg earlier in the summer and annoying hackers leaking some of her new material, she totally deserves some good luck!
Katy rocks!
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Bye bye Go Girls x

It's a sad day at Go Girl Towers as tomorrow I leave Go Girl for a whole year - sob! I'm off to have a little baby so am leaving you in the trusty hands of the rest of the amazing Go Girl team! Thank you so much for all your emails, letters, photos and everything else, you Go Girls are THE most awesome girls ever and I hope that you keep on loving the magazine and website as much as I do! Take care and lots of love always, Em xxx
Bieb's break!

You guys aren't the only ones on holidays, Go Girls! Biebs is too! If you thought doing a year at school was bad, try touring round the globe, launching a perfume, making a movie, making music vids and pulling loads of hilarious pranks! Phew, no wonder he needs a rest!
'I’ve been working so hard, I’m taking a month off. It’s been great to just think and enjoy hanging out with my friends,' Biebs told GG. If you need a beach buddy Justin, just let us know!
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
RiRi's proposal!

It's Selena's birthday in two days! And how with our fave Disney princess be spending her day?
'I think my mum has planned something for me. I didn’t really ask for anything, so I’m basically just going to be at tour rehearsal during the day. Maybe go to dinner at night with my family. Pretty boring,' she said.
Hmmm... a day dancing and delicious food?! Doesn't sound so boring to us!
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Smell like Sel!
Monday, 11 July 2011
Win! A trip to the Haribo factory!!!

Ever dreamed of a Willy Wonka experience? Well now you can win the chance of a lifetime to go behind the scenes at Haribo and have tons of fun! Get your entries in quick though as the comp ends on 29 July! Wow, imagine how many sweets you could eat!!!
To enter you must be aged between 6-12 years on the 31.07.2011 and have permission from a parent or guardian. The competition is open to residents of UK and Ireland only and all entries must include the child’s name, address, age and a day time telephone number. |
Haribo will be unable to return competition entries and those entered may be used for editorial or promotional purposes, as decided by the brand. |
Responsibility is not accepted for entries lost, damaged or delayed in the post. Proof of posting is not proof of receipt. |
The winning entries will be those that, in the judges’ opinion, are of the best quality showing imagination and thought. |
All entries must comply with the requirements on the “How to Enter” Haribo web page and have to be sent to Haribo Little Apprentices, PO BOX 1, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 1WX |
HARIBO reserves the right to disallow access to its factory of anyone that it considers may pose a danger to themselves or others. |
Notwithstanding the point above, HARIBO reserves the right to disallow any participant who has not successfully completed the medical questionnaire required for the event. |
The judges´ decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. |
Entries must be received by 30.07.2011. Any entries received after this date will not be included in the judging. |
This competition is not open to employees or families of HARIBO, their agents or employees of any third party companies involved with the promotion. |
Winners will be notified by email or phone by 22.08.11. HARIBO will not notify unsuccessful entrants. |
This promotion is governed by English Law. |
The Promoter: Haribo, Dunhills PLC, PO Box No.1, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 1WX. |
Friday, 8 July 2011
Jessie J's hair secrets!
JLS + M&M = OMG!

Want to get on JLS's good side? Try bribing them with M&Ms! Turns out that Marvin, Aston, Oritse and JB are all mega-fans of the delightful treat! In fact, they love them so much that at the opening of M&M World in London last night, Oritse announced we'd be seeing him there every day! Ummmm... can't type anymore, we've got to get there pronto!
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Tay's tour!

We sooo wish we could be at Taylor Swift's concert! But luckily, we've got the next best thing... we got her to share her fave memory!
'I’m all the way at the end of the stadium, playing ‘Fearless,’ and I swear as soon as I sang the words “With you I’d dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless”… I felt a drop of rain hit me.”
Then there was another one, then there was another. And then it turned into an absolute downpour. Everyone is soaking wet. And at this point in the show, about halfway through our set, this fear came over me that everyone was going to leave the concert. I tried to push it way back into the back of my mind and just kept playing, and to my surprise, the strangest thing happened. No one left. Instead, this ocean of people in front of us just started dancing even more, screaming even louder… And that night I actually got to dance in a storm with them. In my best dress. I’ll never forget it.'
Monday, 4 July 2011
Go Girl's going to meet Selena!
Friday, 1 July 2011
Jessie's jam
'Sorry doesn't feel enough to say, I am devastated for my fans that I know have been waiting to see me and working hard for tickets. I was so excited about the summer and I'm as upset as you all are. But unfortunately these things happen. I have to remain positive and I promise I will make it up later in the year,' Jess said.
Awwww, hope you feel better soon!
Bieber + Google = awesome.

Justin Bieber's the star of the new Google ad, and it's so good we might even have the volume on during TV breaks for once! Check it out on GGTV!